Duo concert Laura Strobl, vla and Georg Graewe, piano, first performance of "Schwelle" by Katharina Klement and works by Marilyn Crispell, Anthony Braxton, Georg Graewe
composition ● improvisation ● piano
Duo concert Laura Strobl, vla and Georg Graewe, piano, first performance of "Schwelle" by Katharina Klement and works by Marilyn Crispell, Anthony Braxton, Georg Graewe
Ars Electronica festival, share-ploring spatial audio, dodekaOTTO inside inflatable "Space Ship"by Luka Murovec, a.o. 8-channel compositions "peripheries" and "einen Moment bitte II" by Katharina Klement
Grazer Impro-Fest, Styrian Improvisers Orchestra feat. Maggie Nicols
project "sound fishing" / Water Sound Flows / Bad Ischl Salzkammergut European Capital of Culture
Das relativ wohltemperierte Klavier, sound- and video installation by Peter Brandlmayr, Katharina Klement, Mersolis Schoene
Composer-performer in the field of notated and
improvised, instrumental and electronic music...
The „white noise“ that covers the entire human hearing range
could be seen as an unformed raw material of music.
audio releases since 1989
nothing is more self-evident about
Klement than the unusual